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Micah 1:11 King James Version - American Edition AKJV Strong | 68 Bible versions Compare

Micah 1

11 Pass by, you who dwell in Shaphir! The inhabitants of Zaanan do not come forth from their city. There is lamentation in Beth-ezel. It will withdraw its support from you.

Micah 1

11 You people of Shaphir, go into exile, naked and ashamed. Those who live in Zaanan do not dare to come out of their city. When you hear the people of Bethezel mourn, you will know that there is no refuge there.

Micah 1

11 You people living in Shaphir,[10] pass on your way, naked and ashamed. The people living in Zaanan[11] will not come out. The people in Beth Ezel[12] will cry and take their support from you.

Micah 1

11 Pass by in nakedness and shame, you inhabitant of Shaphir. The inhabitant of Tsa’anan has not gone out. The lamentation of Bĕyth Ětsel takes from you its standing place.

Micah 1

11 Pass on, you who dwell in Saphir — nakedness and shame — she who dwells in Zaanan will not come out. Wailing of Beth-ezel [2]: He will take from you its standing-place.

Micah 1

11 Depart naked and ashamed, you people of Shaphir. [8] The town of Bethezel [9] mourns because no one from Zaanan [10] went out to help. [11]

Micah 1

11 Pass ye away, thou inhabitant of Saphir, having thy shame naked: the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Beth-ezel; he shall receive of you his standing.

Micah 1

11 Pass on your way, inhabitants of Shaphir, in nakedness and shame; the inhabitants of Zaanan do not come out; the lamentation of Beth-ezel shall take away from you its standing place.

Micah 1

11 You people of Shaphir, go into exile, naked and ashamed. Those who live in Zaanan do not dare to come out of their city. When you hear the people of Bethezel mourn, you will know that there is no refuge there.

Micah 1

11 Pass by, naked and ashamed, inhabitants of Shaphir. Don't come out, inhabitants of Zaanan. Beth Ezel is in mourning. It will take its support away from you.