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Nehemiah 9:35 Good News Bible GNB | 68 Bible versions Compare

Nehemiah 9

35 While they were still in their kingdom, in the midst of the many good things that you had given them And in the wide, fertile land that you had spread out before them, They did not serve you nor turn away from their evil deeds.

Nehemiah 9

35 With your blessing, kings ruled your people when they lived in the broad, fertile land you gave them; but they failed to turn from sin and serve you.

Nehemiah 9

35 Our ancestors didn’t serve you even when they were living in their own kingdom. They didn’t stop doing evil. They enjoyed all the wonderful things you gave them. They enjoyed the rich land and had plenty of room, but they didn’t stop their evil ways.

Nehemiah 9

35 “For they have not served You in their reign, or in Your great goodness that You gave them, or in the large and rich land which You set before them — neither turned back from their evil deeds.

Nehemiah 9

35 “Even in their own kingdom with the abundance of Your good things that You gave them, or with the spacious and fertile land that You set before them, they did not serve You or turn back from their evil deeds.

Nehemiah 9

35 You blessed them with a kingdom and with an abundance of rich, fertile land, but they refused to worship you or turn from their evil.

Nehemiah 9

35 For they have not served thee in their kingdom, and in thy great goodness that thou gavest them, and in the large and fat land which thou gavest before them, neither turned they from their wicked works.

Nehemiah 9

35 Even in their own kingdom, enjoying your great goodness that you gave them, and in the large and rich land that you set before them, they did not serve you or turn from their wicked works.

Nehemiah 9

35 With your blessing, kings ruled your people when they lived in the broad, fertile land you gave them; but they failed to turn from sin and serve you.

Nehemiah 9

35 When they lived in their own kingdom and enjoyed the many good things that you gave them in a vast, fertile land which was set in front of them, they didn't serve you or turn away from their wicked lives.