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2 Kings 1:2 New International Version | 68 Bible versions Compare

2 Kings 1

2 Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his roof terrace at Samaria and was injured. So he sent out messengers with the instructions: "Go and inquire of Baalzebub, [1] the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this injury."

2 Kings 1

2 King Ahaziah of Israel fell off the balcony on the roof of his palace in Samaria and was seriously injured. So he sent some messengers to consult Baalzebub, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron, in order to find out whether or not he would recover.

2 Kings 1

2 One day Ahaziah was on the roof of his house in Samaria. He fell down through the wooden bars on top of his house and was badly hurt. He called messengers and told them, “Go to the priests of Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron, and ask them if I will get well from my injuries.”

2 Kings 1

2 And Aḥazyah fell through the lattice of his upper room in Shomeron, and was injured, and sent messengers and said to them, “Go, inquire of Ba‛al-Zeḇuḇ, the mighty one of Eqron, if I shall recover from this injury.”

2 Kings 1

2 Now Ahaziah fell down from the balcony of his upper chamber in Samaria and was injured. So he sent messengers and instructed them, “Go inquire of Baal-Zebub [1] the god of Ekron, whether I will recover from this injury.”

2 Kings 1


2 Kings 1

2 And it came to pass in the thirty and sixth year, the people were all converted unto the Lord, upon all the face of the land, both Nephites and Lamanites, and there were no contentions and disputations among them, and every man did deal justly one with another.

2 Kings 1

2 Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice in his upper chamber in Samaria, and lay sick; so he sent messengers, telling them, "Go, inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this sickness."

2 Kings 1

2 King Ahaziah of Israel fell off the balcony on the roof of his palace in Samaria and was seriously injured. So he sent some messengers to consult Baalzebub, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron, in order to find out whether or not he would recover.

2 Kings 1

2 During the rebellion King Ahaziah fell through a window lattice in his upstairs room in Samaria and injured himself. So he sent messengers [to Ekron]. He had told them, "Go ask Baalzebub, the god of Ekron, if I will recover from this injury."